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  • The Boosh

      Howard Moon and Vince Noir are slightly hapless zoo keepers at the Zoo-Niverse, a place strangely light on animals owned by dodgy business magnate Dixon Bainbridge and managed by a psychologically damaged American named Bob Fossil. Six magical adventures from award-winning comedians Julian Barratt and Noel Fielding.

    01. Stolen. Can a man in a deer costume catch the people stealing animals from Bob Fossil's Zoo? Surreal zookeepers Howard and Vince spring into action to catch some animal thieves. 
    02. Jungle. Zookeeper Howard Moon has had enough of the way Bob Fossil is running the zoo, and decides to set off in search of his childhood hero and legendary zookeeper, Tommy. 
    03. Jazz. Howard cannot relax because he is constantly being visited by the Spirit of Jazz. 
    04. Mutants. The zoo needs a new attraction, so a peanut-sized whale might just save the day. Bob Fossil's latest zoo project backfires when Japanese VIPs arrive. 
    05. Tundra. Zoo boss Bob Fossil sends Vince to Spain to find a friend for the zoo's lonely prawn, and sends Howard to the Arctic - just for the sake of it. 
    06. Hitcher. Howard and Vince travel far in both mind and body to meet Tony the Prawn and survive a brush with the People of the Box.